Avaliação Original
A MELHOR clinica veterinaria absoluta!!!!! Moro em Los Angeles e tenho acesso aos melhores veterinarios e tive varios incidentes assustadores com meu bebe. Portanto, conheco veterinarios muito bem. Tambem tenho uma casa perto de Portalegre. Viajo com minha cadela e nesta ocasiao ela estava la fora e foi picada por algum tipo de inseto. Achamos que foi uma abelha. De repente, ela comecou a ter convulsoes, espumando pela boca e vomitando. Eu estava no meio do nada e nao tinha absolutamente nenhuma ideia de para onde ir e o que fazer. Eu estava um desastre completo. Naturalmente procurei veterinarios na area e a maioria estava fechada ou fechando ja que era fim de dia. Uma vizinha para quem liguei disse que tinha levado o cachorro dela para Clilegre e eles foram incriveis entao ela foi comigo, nao havia muito tempo para pensar sobre isso ou decidir sobre um plano. Tudo isso aconteceu tao rapido! Seguimos imediatamente para Clilegre. Pela graca de Deus, acabei aqui. Eles imediatamente pegaram minha cadela e comecaram a cuidar dela. Eu estava completamente perturbado e completamente perdido, eles nao apenas cuidaram dela, mas tambem cuidaram de mim emocionalmente. Minha cadela teve que ficar cinco dias para que pudessem monitora-la e recupera-la com boa saude. Tive que remarcar meus voos de volta para Los Angeles porque partiria no dia seguinte. Eu ia todos os dias ver meu bebe e eles eram a clinica mais incrivel e a equipe era alem de INCRIVEL. EU NAO PODERIA TER UMA EQUIPE MELHOR E NAO PODERIA TER SIDO MAIS AFORTUNADO DE TE-LOS!!!! Eles foram tao gentis e compassivos e se eu pudesse empacota-los e leva-los de volta para Los Angeles comigo, eu o teria feito. Cinco dias depois, meu cachorrinho estava feliz e saudavel. Eu nao poderia RECOMENDAR Clilegre com nada menos que O MELHOR ABSOLUTO!!!! A Dra. Catarina foi enviada por Deus e a equipe e minha gente favorita no mundo. Odeio pensar no que teria acontecido se eu nao os tivesse encontrado, especialmente porque meu cachorro precisava desesperadamente de ajuda e o tempo era essencial. Estavamos no meio do pais no final do dia sem saber para onde ir ou qualquer conhecimento da regiao e mal falavamos muito portugues. OBRIGADO!!!!!! NOS AMAMOS VOCES. Brooklyn e mamae. Ah, e eles tambem tem servicos de baba de animais de estimacao e geralmente nao confio em ninguem com meu cachorro, mas confio neles com ela 100.000%
The absolute BEST veterinary clinic!!!!! I live in Los Angeles and have access to the best veterinarians and have had several scary incidents with my baby. So I know veterinarians very well. I also have a home near Portalegre. I travel with my dog and on this occasion she was outside and was stung by some kind of insect. We think it was a bee. All of a sudden, she started going into convulsions, frothing from the mouth and throwing up. I was in the middle of nowhere and had absolutely no idea where to go and what to do. I was a complete wreck. Naturally I looked up vets in the area and most were either closed or closing since it was the end of the day A neighbor I called said that she had taken her dog to Clilegre and they were amazing so she went with me, There wasnt much time to think this through or decide on a plan. This all happened so fast! We immediately drove to Clilegre. By the grace of God, I ended up here. They immediately took my dog and started working on her. I was completely distraught and a complete basket case not only did they take care of her, but they took care of me emotionally. My dog had to stay for five days so they could monitor her and get her back to good health. I had to rebook my flights back to LA because I was leaving the next day. I went every day to see my baby and they were the most amazing clinic and the team was beyond AMAZING. I COULD NOT HAVE HAD A BETTER TEAM AND COULD NOT HAVE BEEN ANY MORE FORTUNATE THEN TO HAVE THEM!!!! They were so kind and compassionate and if I couldve packed them up and taken them back to Los Angeles with me, I would have. Five days later, my doggy was her happy healthy self. I could not RECOMMEND Clilegre with anything less than THE ABSOLUTE BEST!!!! Dr. Catarina was a God send and the team are my favorite people in the world. I hate to think what would have happened had I not found them especially since my dog was in such desperate need of help and time was of the essence. We were in the middle of the country at the end of the day not knowing where to go or any knowledge of the area and hardly speaking much Portuguese. THANK YOU!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU GUYS. Brooklyn and mommy. Oh, and they also have pet sitting services and I usually dont trust anyone with my dog, but I trust them with her 100000%