Avaliação Original
Estou em Portugal ha dois anos e meio e ja vi que aqui ha poucos medicos qualificados. Mas esta clinica e a pior de todas! Ja estive duas vezes: 1) tomamos uma injecao librel. meu cachorro tem osteoartrite e espondilose e recentemente teve um micro-AVC. o neurologista da Anicura esta atualmente fazendo tudo o que pode para estabilizar sua condicao. Mas ela aconselhou retirar imediatamente os tumores das glandulas mamarias Embora ha 6 anos tenhamos extirpado esses tumores, fizemos histologia e descobrimos que nao era cancer, e agora fizemos uma puncao e descobrimos que tambem nao era cancer e esses tumores nao representam uma ameaca a saude do meu cachorro. ela se ofereceu para refazer a puncao na clinica deles e comecou a insistir na cirurgia, embora um neurologista portugues, um cirurgiao portugues e tambem um cirurgiao ucraniano, que foi medico do meu cachorro durante toda a vida e tem 38 anos de experiencia, disse que em numa condicao tao grave, o cao pode nao sobreviver a anestesia e a hemorragia! Claro que recusei e disse: nao vou torturar minha cadela com injecoes desnecessarias e so farei a operacao quando os medicos da minha cadela me mandarem fazer, e so vim ate ela para tomar uma injecao de Librela 2 vezes hoje: Esta manha encontrei um fungo no nariz do meu cachorro. Esta nao e a primeira vez que meu cachorro o tem. Entao sei o que e e como tratar, mas em Portugal nao se vendem antifungicos sem receita, tambem nao conheco as marcas portuguesas e que pomada ou comprimidos e melhor tomar. entao tive que ir a clinica para obter uma receita, mas antes disso tive uma consulta online com nosso cirurgiao ucraniano. Que trata do meu cachorro ha 12 anos (ate agora ele ajuda a distancia). Ele confirmou minhas suspeitas de que e um fungo de novo! mas ela nao se importou! ela disse: nao e comum em Portugal entao ela acha que e so ranho. e ela nao se importou que isso seja comum no meu cachorro, que ela esteja com a imunidade reduzida devido a idade avancada e outros problemas de saude, e que meu cachorro ja tenha outro tipo de fungo nas patas e no rosto (que estamos atualmente em tratamento) Ela tambem disse: Voce e medico? Se nao, nao me diga sua opiniao. Quero acrescentar tambem que ambos os medicos estao na categoria de idade me formei ha 2 horas e, como dono responsavel de um cachorro, nao confio em um veterinario que vejo pela primeira vez e que ve meu cachorro pela primeira vez. primeira vez, que nao sabe nada sobre sua saude! especialmente quando ela nao tem experiencia na idade dela! E mais um! Embora tivessemos hora marcada, ainda tivemos que esperar nas duas vezes. Uma vez 45 minutos, a outra 20. Notei tambem que o grande problema dos veterinarios portugueses e o esnobismo! Eles acreditam que se Portugal faz parte da Uniao Europeia e a Ucrania nao, entao os nossos medicos estao piores e as clinicas estao piores! E e o contrario!! Na Ucrania, as clinicas veterinarias sao de altissimo nivel. Os precos sao mais baixos. E os medicos tem muito mais experiencia! Infelizmente, no meu pais ha muitos animais sem abrigo, e os veterinarios ucranianos tratam todos os dias doencas que os portugueses so viram nos livros escolares! E agora, durante a guerra, os cirurgioes ucranianos ganharam enorme experiencia trabalhando com animais que tiveram seus membros arrancados por minas, seus estomagos rasgados, etc. Alem disso, as proteses de animais na Ucrania atingiram um nivel muito alto!
I have been in Portugal for two and a half years and I have already seen that there are few qualified doctors here. But this clinic is the worst of all! I have been twice: 1) we went in for a librel injection. my dog has osteoarthritis and spondylosis, and recently had a microstroke. the neurologist at Anicura is currently doing everything he can to stabilize her condition. But she advised to immediately remove the tumors on her mammary glands Although 6 years ago we excised such tumors, did histology and found out that it was not cancer, and now we did a puncture and found out that it was also not cancer and these tumors do not pose a threat to my dogs health. she offered to redo the puncture at their clinic and began to insist on surgery, although a Portuguese neurologist, a Portuguese surgeon, and also a Ukrainian surgeon, who has been my dogs doctor all her life and has 38 years of experience, said that in such a serious condition, the dog may not survive anesthesia and hemorrhage! Of course I refused and said: I will not torture my dog with unnecessary injections and will only do the operation when my dogs doctors tell me to do it, and I came to her only for an injection of Librela 2 time today: This morning I found a fungus in my dogs nose .This is not the first time my dog has it. So I know what it is and how to treat it, but in Portugal they dont sell antifungal without a prescription, I also dont know the Portuguese brands and which ointment or pills are better to take. so I had to go to the clinic for a prescription, but before that I had an online consultation with our Ukrainian surgeon. Who has been treating my dog for all of her 12 years (even now he helps from a distance). He confirmed my suspicions that it is a fungus again! but she didnt care! she said: its not common in Portugal so she thinks its just snot. and she didnt care that its common for my dog, that she has a reduced immunity due to her old age and other health problems, and that my dog already has another type of fungus on his paws and face (which we are currently treating) She also said: Are you a doctor? If not, dont tell me your opinion. I also want to add that both doctors are in the age category I graduated 2 hours ago, and as a responsible dog owner, I dont trust a veterinarian I see for the first time and who sees my dog for the first time, who doesnt know anything about her health! especially when she has no experience at her age! And one more! Even though we had an appointment, we still had to wait both times. One time 45 minutes, the other 20. I also noticed that the big problem of Portuguese veterinarians is snobbery! They believe that if Portugal is part of the European Union, and Ukraine is not, then our doctors are worse, and the clinics are worse! And its the other way around!! In Ukraine, veterinary clinics are of a very high level. Prices are lower. And the doctors have much more experience! Unfortunately, in my country there are a lot of homeless animals, and Ukrainian veterinarians treat such diseases every day that the Portuguese have only seen in textbooks! And now, during the war, Ukrainian surgeons have gained enormous experience working with animals that had their limbs torn off by mines, their stomachs torn open, etc. Also, animal prosthetics in Ukraine have reached a very high level!